How to Film a Great Video Tour of your Rental

filming a great video tour

There are many great ways to showcase your vacant unit to prospective tenants. One of these ways is to film a video tour of your rental. Virtual property tours can be extremely effective at attracting prospective tenants. In fact, a study done by found that landlords who include videos in their real estate listings […]

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A Guide to 1031 Exchanges in Roanoke

1031 exchange

Are you a rental or business property owner in Roanoke looking for ways to simplify your taxes? If done right, a 1031 exchange may help to defer some of these costs. A 1031 exchange is a way to avoid capital gains taxes when you sell a rental property. This method allows a property owner to […]

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16 Terms All Real Estate Investors Should Know

real estate terms

As a real estate investor, there are some real estate terms that you should master. That’s because you will come across them every day. At first, you may feel intimidated and overwhelmed at all the terms, but with time, you’ll see that they will become part of your daily life when you’re communicating with other […]

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How to Calculate the ROI on a Property Investment

calculating roi

In this present day and age, many people are looking for a safe means of investment where they’ll receive consistent returns. Rental real estate has been lauded by many as one of the most dependable investment vehicles, as it provides passive income and a hedge against inflation. It also provides a number of tax benefits […]

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How to Increase Your Income Without Raising Rent

increase rental income

Rental real estate has continuously been hailed as a sound way to make passive income. As a real estate investor, you may want to increase your income. However, raising the rent poses a risk of losing your tenants. A high rate of tenant turnover not only puts your income at risk, but it also increases […]

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Top 4 Amenities Renters Can’t Resist in Roanoke

amenities roanoke renters

As a landlord, it’s important to know how you can leverage the available amenities to attract and retain tenants. The following are the top 4 amenities renters can’t resist in Roanoke. 1. Kitchen Upgrades The kitchen is the heart of a home. If it looks boring and dated, you may have a hard time renting […]

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Best Renovations for Your Rental Property

best renovation for rental property

From small renovations like the installation of bathroom shower screens to larger upgrades like changing the kitchen layout, the renovation of your rental property comes with many benefits. As a prospective or current landlord, you should consider that renters place significant weight on the visual appeal of a space. As such, the renovation of your […]

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What to Include in a Rental Agreement

lease agreement

As a property owner, you must always require your tenants to sign a lease or a rental agreement before moving into your rental property. This will legally bind them to adhere to all terms listed in the agreement. When creating a lease or a rental agreement, there are certain things you must include to make […]

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Landlord and Tenant Maintenance Responsibilities

Everything you own requires maintenance. This helps slow down the normal wear and tear of a possession. The same goes for owning a rental property. You’ll want to put in the necessary effort to maintain and elevate your property’s value. This ensures that you keep attracting tenants, and inspire current ones to renew their leases […]

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Squatting Laws in Virginia – An Overview

Squatting Laws in Virginia - An Overview

Just like in other states, squatters in Virginia have certain rights. They may be able to file an adverse possession claim, which gives them full legal rights to the property they’re squatting on. Among the requirements required for filing an adverse possession claim is continuous possession. As per the Code of Virginia (§ 8.01-236,237), squatters […]

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